That is what my day consisted of yesterday. School starts on Thursday so I needed to come to
Ruston yesterday to get situated considering I left my room here in a major mess. Jenna, one of the
roomies, calls and tells me to hurry because the storm was coming. I packed up my car and for the first time since I started school, I brought all my stuff by myself. I had every inch of my car packed down with clothes and groceries. I thought I would be sad driving to
Ruston knowing that is was my last time to drive there to start school, but I wasn't. I remember 4 years ago leaving my waving parents behind as I entered a new phase in my life, except that drive I cried the whole way. I think I am just really ready for school to be over with for good. I got in
Ruston at around 2 and finished unpacking and cleaning at around 9:30
ish and guess what happened the very second I got done? The power went out! Gustav blew through LA yesterday and it brought some pretty bad storms with it. Limbs were down everywhere and I was certain the wind was going to knock my house off of it's foundation. The power was out for over 2 hours and we lit like 20+ candles. I took this downtime to read. I love it when the power goes out. After the power came back on, some friends came over and we hung out and I finally went to sleep at around 1:30
ish. So that was my day....a hurricane and unpacking. Doesn't that sound just SO exciting?
Didn't get to watch...but the Yankees WON. Yep, not a typo. They actually won. It was a
makeup game against Detroit and I read the pitching was pretty bad but
luckily the opposing pitchers weren't so great either since we scored 13. I am still holding out for a Wild Card position...for a few more days at least. Maybe they will win the next 7 straight and Boston will lose the next 7. It's a possibility :)