Sunday, April 20, 2008

The beginning of a fresh, new week.

I really enjoy watching Pettitte pitch, something about how he maintains himself on the mound has always fascinated me. It also helps that he was born in LA...great state, great people :) He pitched a pretty impressive game to the O's. This is going to be a great week for the Yankees, mark my word.
Hope A-Rod is okay, thank goodness we have some solid backup. I personally think (or at least hope) he is with his wife as she prepares for the delivery of their baby. That is fine with me and I think he should be allowed off for as long as needed, and he isn't going to tell anyone what he did. You know he wants to maintain his tough-guy persona...guess you have to with the media and nosy people all around.
SO glad Joba is back and that his dad is doing so much better.

4 more weeks of my junior year of college, scary. How did this happen, and so soon? I have always been in such a rush to grow that it's here, I'm not so sure. But at this point, I am sure the "real world" is a lot better than school, homework, and the very small income I have right now.
Hope everyone has a great week!

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