I have been cramming a summer worth of memories into the span of a week and a half. Let me tell you, they may not seem that interesting or exciting but I know when I start feeling homesick this summer I can revert to those times and move on with my day feeling okay. I will start off by saying that I have the greatest friends ever, hands down. I also have a pretty amazing family who has helped create several memories for me this week as well. I think the memory-making process began last Thursday. Me, Jess, and Jen (bad grammar, I know!) ate at Shane's and went to watch our church softball team play at Tinsely and then to Maggie Moos. Yum. Then we went swimming sort of. There were leaves in the pool that we thought were leeches, they weren't really, so we went to the hot tub. To our dismay, the jets weren't on and the water felt like lukewarm bath water so we got out. Luckily, there was a jucuzzi just calling our name and our trusty friend Josh was there to help us take the lid off and turn it on. It was H-O-T...and of course with our luck the jets didn't come on...still relaxing though. We called it a night at about 12:30 because working girl here had to wake up early. The next day, Friday, I went shopping with my mom and we grabbed Chick-Fil-A for us and dad. Then I met my friends for Mario Kart Wii...which I am not very good at but it is loads of fun. We played that for a couple of hours and we called it a night. Saturday, me, mom, and my sisters went to try on wedding dresses for my sister Danielle, me and Liz tried on lots of bridal dresses. This was a lot of fun! Then we all went and ate McAllister's which was delicious. Came home and went to Jenna's grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary where there was an Elvis impersonator. So cool. It was catered by Shaver's so luckily I got some Louisiana food: jumbalya, catfish, and hushpuppies. After that was done we decided to do some more shopping. I just bought some earrings and a bracelet. If you can't tell yet, I shop a heck of a lot...don't worry, I somehow manage to be a total bargain shopper! We rented a movie, Why Did I Get Married? from Tyler Perry and it was pretty good. Me and the two J's got to talk a whole lot about....well just about some pretty interesting stuff :) Sunday was church and while we were singing it hit me that this is my last time for church until August :( No worries, because I will continue to grow this summer without a doubt. I went to my sister Liz's apartment for a little while. Monday, I wanted to eat Cane's and drink their sweet tea before I left so me and mom went to the one by St. Vincent. It was wonderful! I finally was able to show my grandparents my San Diego pictures, half way through them the power went out. Thank goodness for laptops though. That was pretty fun getting to tell them some stories about my trip. Tuesday my nana took me and my sisters out to eat for lunch and that night, Keri and Jenna drove over from Ruston to meet me and Jess at Pepes. Oh so good. After that I wanted to show Keri the niceness of Shreveport so we went all throughout the Line Avenue area. We saw a movie being filmed and also got to take part in wishful thinking by looking at all the enormous houses. Then I took them all around downtown and got to see my favorite view in Shreveport. I had to say goodbye :( to my grandparents on this day because they are headed up to Kansas to see my aunt graduate from some school for the army (whatever position is after Major, I believe). I hate goodbyes. Well today is Wednesday and I met Dana at the new Monjunis and then we went to Target. So glad I got to catch up with her! Wow...so I ate out a shopped a TON. This is not that normal for me...just trying to create memories. Tomorrow is my work luncheon at Ralph and Kacoos, so that should be lots of fun! If you read all of that, thank you very much!

this pretty much sums us up!

Pepes night!

There is a movie going on there right now, I think it's Microwave Park...which has a different name now.

My favorite view in Shreveport: coming down Texas St. and seeing this beautiful church!
Good night!
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