I can't believe the summer is slowly coming to an end, it's crazy to believe I've actually survived. I was thinking about school and it made me stressed a little and I have to admit that I have completely forgotten what stress feels like. I guess I've never really been stressed so far this summer...just had my patience tested. New campers arrived yesterday and I am in a new bunk once again. This time I am in a bunk with 6 girls-all autistic and all nonverbal. They are 14-17 and really hilarious. They communicate fairly well despite not talking, we use sign language and electronic talking devices for the kids. They are all pretty low-functioning so we basically do everything for them. I was really worried about how I would work with them and build relationships with the kids but it's been pretty great for the 2 days. I will be taking a ton of videos of them. The bunk that is connected to mine has a girl who has to be held by her hands all day because she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth and eats it and there is also a girl who has childhood schizophrenia and is on suicide watch (seriously). It's going to be a very memorable 3 weeks I think.
I went to NYC this past weekend and literally did nothing which was nice. I even had an agenda made. My friend has an aunt and uncle who live in New Jersey so we stayed there. Their house is right across the river from the city so we were able to see it all. They have a roof where you can sit and hang out while watching to Manhattan skyline. We grilled steak and chicken and ate on the roof and relaxed..it was great! At like 11:30 that night we went to Times Square because it is so cool at night and we grabbed some delicious NY famous cheesecake. It was a fairly late night so I slept in until about 9. I left at 11 and went to the TKTS line at the Marriott and bought tickets to the Broadway Legally Blonde, which was very good. I also hung out in Sephora for awhile and then bought a train ticket at Grand Central Station and headed back to camp. I seriously love NYC and also really enjoyed Weehawken, NJ. 
Here is the view from their house on the roof...they are as close to the river as you can get!
Times Square at night!!
Right before Legally Blonde began!
Hope everyone has a great day and I miss everyone SOOOOOO much :)
Wow...NYC looks just like it does on TV!! Conting down the days until you come home! Miss ya friend! It was good to talk to ya the other day even though the call kept getting dropped...crazy trains! Have fun in NY these last couple of weeks! Much love!
Amanda, that is awesome!! Sounds like you had a blast!! How lucky were you to see the skyline right there?!? Just want you to know you are missed back home so don't get any ideas about fallin in love with NY and stayin there!
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