Friday, July 4, 2008


It's been a little while since I last updated this, sorry. The kids leave tomorrow and I get to go to NYC again!! So cool! I got to go to the city by myself Tuesday. I took a train out of Rhinecliff at 10:50 am and arrived at Penn Station at 12:30. I entered culture shock once I got off the train, to be honest, I can't even remember getting off. What I do remember is entering a massive crowd of people. I finally left the train station and was on 32nd street. I started walking having no clue where I was going or what I wanted to do...I was told it was easy to navigate around NYC so I assumed it was. I took a left turn down some street and ended up on BROADWAY!!! I started getting hungry and went to a little cafe and got a turkey sandwich, took it outside to some sort of sitting area and ate with a lot of people who I assumed were local. I felt like a real New Yorker, I hadn't even whipped out my camera yet. After lunch, I kept walking and found myself wandering around Times Square and started taking a million pictures. I kept walking and I was was wondering where Central Park was and at that moment I somehow stumbled into the park. I bought a bottle of water and some icecream and explored the park. It was very peaceful in there. Then my parents told me their plane landed and that they were headed to the hotel so I got my own taxi ride. It was only $10, I thought that was pretty good. I met my parents and we did some more walking and ate at the Brooklyn Diner, which was very nice. We sat at a table that Jerry Seinfeld has sat at so that was pretty neat. Then we walked to Grand Central Station and then went to the top of the Empire State Building. We got to see all of the city lit up since it was night time and it was a great view. I took the train back to Rhinecliff and took a cab ride for about 5 minutes to the camp and they charged me $33 dollars! I must say that wandering alone in a massive city is really neat and everyone should try it! Well my hour off is almost over so I need to go. Enjoy the 4th!

-Mom and Dad, I am SOOOOOOO glad I got to see yall and am very jealous yall saw Derek Jeter up close and personal. Please tell me there are pictures and tell me if the stadium tour is worth it and the price because I am thinking about doing it. :)


Anonymous said...

Glad you got some time away. Sounds like you learned your way around NYC really quick.

Anonymous said...

You are crazy for walking around in NYC all by yourself!!! I couldn't do it...I would have been a nervous wreck!! I'm really jealous that you got to go to a Broadway play without ME!! Hope you had a great time in the city that never sleeps!! Much love!